Monday 7 March 2011

World View of Architecture

My world view of architecture is to embrace local conditions, integrate natural elements of a site to enhance the architecture rather than diminishing it. View the landscape as an opportunity to create an indicative relationship with the architecture. Landforms not only act as solid ground for a building but are a source of inspiration, curves of hills, reflections on lakes and rough edges on cliff faces.  Furthermore, the site also determines what material to use, lightweight near the beach, thick stone and timber in the alps.
Architecture has made a distinctive contribution to peoples happiness and I believe the site represents a large role in this. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Natalie,

    Could you reflect on your world view with respect to the architectural traditions of the Picturesque and (from an alternative point of view) the Sublime ...

    This could be with respect to the three projects you showed last week, or you may like to use other examples...

    And, playing Devils advocate for a moment, Architecture has also had a role in the destruction of the environment ... see the Manufactured Landscapes movie by Edward Burtynsky for example (youtube has a few clips). Many now recognise that the 'contribution' Architecture is making in this regard is ongoing and significant. How does your world view take into account these issues?

