Friday 25 March 2011

A3 Panel Draft

1 comment:

  1. Hi Natalie,

    Just a few comments.

    Your panel shows a lot without being too cluttered. It's clear that you are presenting two projects which is good too.

    I'd use the same font for the title as the body text.

    The size of the three floor plans of esquisse one looks to be different. Double check they haven't changed in the layup.

    The stair in esquisse one looks over scaled ... Compare the balustrade with the size of the figures in that perspective ... The balustrade looks like it is taller than the people. If it isn't, then there is a night clearance issue at the top of the stair.

    I think you need to work on the hand drawings some more, maybe find a section of a yacht and trace over it ... At the moment the hand drawings a a lot less sophisticated compared to the renders. I can see you've addressed the technical detail mechanism of the ramp, but I'd zoom in some more to show us just one small detail ... As it is I can't see what you've resolved.

    I'd make the yellow arrows on the top view more elegant too.

